Friday, November 7, 2008

Welcome to my Work at Home Blog

I have spent many years trying to find ways to stop working for other people and begin working at home for myself. I don't consider myself a rebel, but I do have a real problem with bosses telling what to do and breathing down my back. I spent years in trial and error in starting my own business so I wouldn't have to live under someone else's rules. After all, isn't that why we all decide to move out of our parent's house and live life on our own? I know that's why I left. After getting married and finding out that even though we don't have parents breathing down our back any longer, we have supervisors that try to come in and take their place! I have designed this blog to help others so they can get into the freedom of working at home and for themselves. Now I've tried all the Get Rich Quick schemes under the sun and I am a hardworking person but no matter how hard I worked to make these schemes work, I never got rich!

Through my research i have found multiple ways to make a nice livable income at home, enough to replace your current job or the job you may have just lost. In this Blog i will give you new tips and ways to get started on your own at home business. Trust me, it's not as difficult as you think it might be to work at home.

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